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Preparation of mobile phase

NameAbbrSourceVendorCat. No.
Formic acidCNW安谱CAEQ-4-014784-0500
Ammonium formateCNW安谱CAEQ-4-014568-0050

The formic acid can be dispensed into a small bottle. Ammonium formate is prepared in a small bottle at a concentration of 5M. The density of ammonium formate is relatively low. It is recommended to add 12.61g of ammonium formate to a 50ml centrifuge tube, then bring the volume up to 40ml, resulting in a final concentration of 5M, which is sufficient for a long period of use.

Solution A

  1. Water + 0.1% Formic acid + 5mM HCOONH4 (Volume: 1L)
  2. Slowly pour the water through the glass funnel into the specially labeled 1L volumetric flask.
  3. Switch to a dropper when it is almost at the scale line.
  4. Stop adding water as soon as it reaches the scale line.
  5. Pour the water into the bottle through the glass funnel.
  6. In the later period, raise the glass funnel appropriately and do not let it touch the liquid surface.
  7. Do not rinse.
  8. Do not shake the bottle to prevent the liquid touching the cap.
  9. Add 1 mL formic acid and 1 mL ammonium formate to the bottle with a pipette.
  10. Sonicate the solution for 10 minutes to remove air bubbles.

Solution B

  1. ACN/iPrOH (1:2, v/v) + 0.1% Formic acid + 5mM HCOONH4 (Volume: 750mL)
  2. Slowly pour the ACN through the glass funnel into the specially labeled 250mL volumetric flask and iPrOH into the specially labeled 500mL volumetric flask.
  3. Even if these two solvents share the same funnel, there is no need to rinse or change the funnel.
  4. Switch to a dropper when it is almost at the scale line.
  5. Stop adding solvent as soon as it reaches the scale line.
  6. Pour the solvents into one bottle through the glass funnel.
  7. Do not rinse.
  8. Do not shake the bottle to prevent the liquid touching the cap.
  9. Add 0.75 mL formic acid and 0.75 mL ammonium formate to the bottle with a pipette.
  10. Sonicate the solution for 10 minutes to remove air bubbles.

Methanol秦老师是Sigma-Aldrich Supelco 1060071000

Instrument Method